The Project
New distribution facility
Kings Lynn
Simon Brown Formwork
CJ Rust
July 2019
Our customer needed to install drainage into a large concrete distribution area which also had falls from entrance areas of buildings at different levels. The contractor had a limited time period to complete the work schedule and therefore required a solution to enhance productivity and efficiency.

How it works
K-Form K135 Screed Rail was the right solution for this project and, being a sacrificial screed railing system with a built in isolation joint in the vertical section, it allowed the contractor to set up adjoining bays with falls to allow bigger areas to be poured at the same time. Compared with using timber shutters the process time was dramatically increased and there were no hit and miss bay areas poured. In addition, there was no need to strike out timber to repeat the process afterwards.
The Solution
K-Form was used to form quick but accurate multiple falls and isolation joints. Simon Brown had successfully used K-Form before on traditional flat slabs and immediately saw the benefits on this more complicated project incorporating slot drainage.